Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 12:50 am : Apocalypse what?
Something clicked the other day when speaking to a friend. I haven't seen her since the summer and was catching up on everything. I was talking to her about how my semester went and she told me that I put to much pressure on myself and that my standards are to high for my own good. Unattainable for even the most successful person. Reflecting on what she said, it makes some sort of sense. Nothing is good enough for me. I always want the best, the next best thing, I want everything. After I obtain what I want I am not satisfied, I have to set another goal. I don't feel successful at all, in fact I feel like I am so behind. I think the pressure I put on myself lately has made me tense. I think I am scared that if I lose focus that shit will hit the fan and I'll fail. I hate failure, but the toll of not failing has stressed me right out. She was right though in how I can relax and not think about ruling the world one day...get laid. I laughed, she is right but there is no rest for the wicked. I am not done working hard, and therefore cannot play hard yet. All in time I suppose right. Maybe I have taken the expression of delayed gratification a little to far. Beyond yoga, I need help to relax in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps I just need to let someone guide me.