Friday, Jan. 04, 2013 11:34 pm : This fuckin sucks...I hate this shit.
I am legitly going to have a nervous breakdown. There is so much shit that I have to do in the next 2 days. Fuck. I hate still being in Uni and still question this decision daily. I try to be so strong and in control of things. This sucks. I feel like a fucking failure. I feel like I am already behind and classes have not even started. Perhaps I am upset to because the fuckin school had to schedule a midterm on the fuckin friday that I was supposed to be in Calgary. Now I do not even get a fuckin day in the city. I have to change up my flights. I might as well stay in the airport over night as I will get in at 11pm and be back at 5am. Fuckin shit. I seem to never catch a break. I wish I relaxed more during Christmas. But I know I have to stay on top of my fuckin game this semester. I cannot slip, I am not willing to, I have higher standards than that.

Now all I want is a hug and a cuddle. And for someone to tell me that it going to be alright. I hate looking fuckin weak and I cannot let it show. Deep breaths and yoga....I hope everything is going to be alright.