Saturday, Jul. 04, 2009 12:47 am : Don't bet love on a game of Russian Roulette!!!!
Man. I am so frustrated. However, Thursday will solve everything. Stampede here I come. It is going to be rather fun!!!! Nashville North+Snatch= a very fun time. I am rather excited and I really cannot wait. I just want to dance with some cowboy stud. Ahhhh!

so moving on....

I really hate to see my friends moving in the directions they are with the guys that they are seeing. I mean it is one thing to be friends with benefits, but it is another thing to be cheating on a bf with a mutual friend. *Sigh* I gave my two cents, but I have come to realize that as much advice I give, I think it is necessary to experience the fall outs that will happen. And they will happen. My advice will only go so far, but ultimately my friends need to realize themselves that they are BAD people. I feel like I am in an awkward situation. I know what is happening behind closed doors and I really think these people deserve to know. But I know, it is not my place. All I would want is if a bf was cheating on me, I would want to know. I can't be played and I would not put up with it. I just hope everything turns out alright. Why is love so twisted?