Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2009 10:11 pm : Birthday! Birthday!!
So it is my birthday tomorrow! Yay, I am rather excited and feeling good! For my birthday present to myself I got some make-up from sephora. Anna and I hung out all afternoon in between classes at the mall. It was good, we even got some yogen fruz, so, so good! Mango and pinapple!

As for my IDST project it is only two weeks away until the first rough draft is due and I am just over it. After handing in the lit review for it I am apathic about continuing. However, I went to my supervisor and finalized what I am going to do. This is the plan: I am going to do a content anaylsis on two tv shows; the office and mad men. I picked those two shows because I wanted to compare two portrayed romoances in the office in different eras. The Office of course is of the current era and Mad men is set in the 1960's. I want to see if different cultural influences of the differing times have any impact on office romances. So, How they start, what is expected, what is excepted, how they are handled. I have big work a head of me. I have to buy a season of each show and then get to work. Yay!!! lol.