Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 3:56 pm : "the cuff and billy"
This weekend was quite fun. It was a relatives stag and stagette so they held it at the cuff and billy which is the cop bar downtown. I find it rather odd that they would have their own place. I mean they are cops, and I know they are allowed to drink and all, there just seems to be a contradiction that�s all. But regardless, I had alot of fun. Before hand I met up with my two cuz's and aunt at a bar and was introduced to their co-workers, reminded me alot of the people down at my mothers work. The dynamics are all the same. But at the cuff and billy, I had a great time. Talked to people I don't normally talk to and had the best supper ever. My fears of becoming arrested because I was drunk diminished as soon as I go into the bar. Only saw one cop in uniform, so I felt it was just fine to get a little drink in me and on me I suppose cause champagne got split all over me. Not so much fun after that. Back at the cuz's place we played some rock band, which I rock at btw, blue oyster cult totally my band!!!!! I was sad to leave when Sarah came and got me. I wanted to play some more. O wells.