Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009 3:47 pm : 4784 words.
So I saw my supervisor today and told her I was really nervous about the lit review for I felt that there was really no direction on how to produce a literature review on behalf of the prof teaching the course. She said not to be worried and that there are people in worse shape than me. So I feel much better. She even told me that out of her students that she is supervising that I get the gold star!!! That made me feel so much better. Her and the prof teaching the course don't quite get along. She talked to him and said that some of her students just found a whole ton of information and that they have no time to write up their findings for today's due date. I expressed to her that I want to do the best that I can and that it sucks because the class is so mis guilded by the prof. That he is useless when he is attempting to teach.

I am not sure what to expect out of this semester of the course. I hope that it is not as misguided as the previous one. Although, this semester will not have any guest lecturers, but rather we are presenting our topics to the class and explaining the research we want to conduct and have conducted. I am nervous however because we have to peer review two fellow classmates papers. I do hope that the two that I get are not boring. But to each his own eh. I also hope that the two people that peer review my paper will not be too harsh. It is hard to take criticisms sometimes. I just really want to nail the final paper and then the presentation on it as well.

I have a feeling that for class two night, we will either hand our papers in and then get to leave early, or hand our papers in and suffer the whole 3 hours of the class. I am not quite sure which one it will be.