Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008 11:10 pm : O don't make a mockery of me when sick
Ah I don't want to go on the fricken clean team. I am really not trying to sound like a baby, but in all due order I have every right too. At least it is til the end of the week and then I can go off to the cabin for the long weekend. Ahhh the FINAL weekend before classes start up again. It is going to be so much fun. I think�I am hoping that the ex�s family isn�t up there�or if they are I can avoid them. I don�t want to have any explaining to do.

Ahh so my poor Antonius is sick. I am going to kill John..in his sleep btw. I mean how in the world do you get a cold in the summer. It is pure non-sense. The only thing good I'll say is that his sick voice is the cutest thing I have heard in the world. Especially when he is try to make a mockery of me. Ah it is the cutest thing.

He was really suffering today. I didn�t dare go over to his office before I hit the gym right before lunch. I hate where his office is�right by 3 managers and the president. Ya great spot hon. So I called him. He didn�t sound so hot. I felt so bad,. I hope he gets better soon and by soon, I really mean by tomorrow. Speaking about tomorrow�what a busy day I have in store�clean team all bloody day, going over to Andrews for what I hoping isn�t peanut butter and toast, then dropping my mother off at the airport and finally heading down to see Antonius. And that I might add is all before 9. Yeps. We shall see.

Antonius and I had a pretty awesome weekend. We actually chilled with my mother on Saturday night. Bought two bottles of wine in the hopes of getting her drunk�it was moderately successful. We had a rather good time. She even let him crash in the basement. We both fell asleep on the floor with my duvet, I was like I have to get to my bed�its only proper after I realized it was 2 in the morning. Then in the morning I made him breakfast! After that we headed to the Royal Tyrell Museum for the day. It was pretty wicked. I haven�t been there in ages. The dino�s that they had displayed were quite amazing�it gets you thinking about the whole evolution vs. creation bullshit. I mean wow these specimens were incredible. If only one could see one alive.

I am not sure if I have stated this before�but Antonius basically wants to do my mother. He thinks she is rather hot�and well a hoot to be around. It is funny how many times he is like wow your mom�has it going on. I am flattered�.I just tell him that I am the hotter younger version and if he wants a look into the future on what I�ll end up like�all he has to do is look at my mother. Lol.

Mmmm I miss him..didn�t really talk to him at all today. I suppose that it is well worth the wait for I can fall asleep in his arms tomorrow night. I just really miss his smell.