Friday, Aug. 08, 2008 4:00 pm : I told myself I would never date a co-worker again or a neighbour. Now look where I have gotten myself.
Lol, so I have worked my magic on Antonius. He came back from Van city on wednesday and on thursday we went out for lunch again. It was nice, for we both agreed that going to lunch alone is not fun. At lunch we both agreed that that drinks were in due order after work. The drinks were fun. We played pool at a bar close to his and Kurts place (he works with us too. The beer was pretty good too. Antonius worked his magic, comlimenting my hair and nail polish colour. I love his smile and eye's. His personality is so refreshing and wonderful. He definatly puts a smile on my face and I even told him that. After the bar we went back to his place and attempted to have Jagger bombs. I went to my car to change into my sweats and all of a sudden I here a voice, I look up and jumped. It was the cops. Yep. Apperently there were bangs in the neighbourhood. After that it was pretty fun. We went up strairs and listened to his music and flirted way to much. He just makes me smile I havent felt this way in a very long time. My hangover today..not fun. I woke up and I was like blah. Thank goodness at work, it was quiet at the reception desk. Needless to say I got no Jagger bombs.

It is werid for I cannot quiet describe the feeling I have for Antonius. It is definetly a good feeling. I have that feeling of like a heavy stone in my stomach and of where my heart feels like it is leaping out of my chest. I have only gotten this feeling once before from a guy, and for that I think it is special.

The only quam I have in this is that I seem to get myself in complicated relationships. Firstly, its a co-worker, secondly its my mother's office and thridly, what will the co-workers think. I want it on the down low. However it is rather hard for Kurt ofcourse knows. I am actually really curious on his thoughts of this little thing between us. Poor Kurt.