Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2008 12:19 am : TB or not TB.
Ha! So I am rather happy. Kyle is great as always. He is just really respectful and LOYAL. Just talking to him about anything in each other's lives calms me right down over the stresses of the day. School has definitely heated up as of late, 4 mid-terms in 2 weeks and 3 papers by the end of the month! ICK! I am having fun though however. Hehe. Kyle and I have a running bet that will end before the start of summer. The loser buys dinner! To get Kyle started on this bet I have with-holded sex...only just for a bit. I say alls fair in love and I definitely brought it on. It is great too cause I tease the hell out of him.

O so this is great...Kyle and I have decided that this summer for his 21 or just for the fact that it is summer, that we are going to invite up a whole bunch of friends on both sides and party. It is perfect, cause there will be two cabins invovled and crazy waterskiing and multiple tubing behind our boats. O it is going to be a blast. Just getting up there is going to be a blast. O what fun.