Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008 11:29 pm : whatever will be will be.
I think that he has the most amazing captivation over me. I get sucked into his being, his subtleties. I remember the little moments with him. Like us talking outside his cutie little black car and him rubbing my shoulders. I so wanted to pull into him, he is the perfect height. Kinda tall, but not to tall so that it is awkward to kiss. I want to embraces him, take in his smell. Ahh.

It is so easy talking to him. I find that rare in guys. I suppose though we do have an advantage over others. That being that we already know each other and we have cabins together too. He is a familiar face. He is that mysterious neighbour at the lake. One that has intrigued me since first going up there. Ya he is rather shy, but that is a quality that I admire. The silent ones are intriguing, they have that mysterious quality about them, in which makes me want to know more. To uncover the many layers that they have. If I am correct and usually I am on these types of things. Dork is very outgoing when you warm up to him and are close, kind as kind can be, sincere, has that heart of gold, is funny but not in the conventional way, makes me smile and feel at ease ;)

It doesn�t take much for him to impress me. I kinda just knew in the back of my head that I when I was ready I would find a guy. What I didn�t know was that dork would be �that� guy. And it makes me smile at the thought. I like the feeling. For they always say that so called �love� will come a knocking on your door when you least expect it. It is so true. In both positions. I was the one who first suggested we hang, and after that it just sorta happened.

O but Margie..Margie, she let one slip the other day. Ya to dorks older brother. He didn�t believe that I would be going for his younger brother. Was rather surprised. I hope in a good way. I see so much in dork. But ya, I am not sure that dork wanted to let it be known that him and I have a thing going to his family. I mean, I think he wants to make sure that it is going to work out between us. Which is completely understandable, I mean he did get out of a relationship not to long ago. The relationship was toxic, so I think he is making sure this one will work out. It will, and that�s that. I am not sure that he is use to being appreciated, by a girl. I adore the guy that I am with and will go to great lengths to make them feel special. Granted I have my slip ups, but I do hope they are understandable. I mean it is not like I am going to be cheating, I so am not the home-wreker type. I really cant wait til Thursday. I wanna embrace him and have that first kiss. It would be perfect.