Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008 11:45 am : dork!
So its valentines day tommorow. I am actually for the first time ever looking forward to the day. I kinda feel like I am betraying my beliefs, I detest the day. I think its for the poor suckers who love and give and expect nothing in return. I have only been with a guy during valentines once, and my expectations turned out true, I was utterly disapointed. Needless to say I have a feeling that I will be pleasenly surprized. I will get my kiss and I will utterly happy. I have found a guy that completely gets me. It feels great to have a guy again. Someone I can be close with and have with. This summer is going to be great!!!! Lake life will be rather interesting, cliff shore peeps are rather mortified. Ha I promise you guys that we will not be all over each other (I do have more sensiblity than my dear cuz who was basicly making a specktical of himself). I mean we will have to much fun doing lake activites. I mean its nice to have a boyfriend who likes the lake life style. But i'll kill him if he laughs at my waterskiin abilites.