Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008 11:21 pm : confessions of a 20 year old - part 1
I had the best birthday!!!!! My party was so much fun. We all went over to Kilkenny, Jenn had reserved us a table there. It was great where it was, it was in that little spot closed in with the big long table by the bar. Everyone who showed up means something incredibly important to me, each in their own way.

- on a side note:

This weekend has all around been the best I could of asked for. A whole ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It is worth mentioning, however, I am silenced due to some circumstances and news that could potentially be blown before I want to reveal the news to you poor souls. It will reveal in due course....

I really have the best circle of friends anyone could ask for. I am so lucky. Kakes and I have gone back to the good old days, I am so grateful for that. I never knew how much I actually missed her until my birthday hit. Then everything came all flooding back. We get each other so well. I really dont think I feel complete without her. We have been through so much. Kakes a holla out to ya!! You Rock!!!

People bought me so many birthday shots, it was crazy. I must say though the yummiest one was the pornstar. Andrew's however pushed me past that semi-intoxicated point. His shot was Spiced Jack Daniels I think....????? But whooaaa. That shot went straight to my head. It is all that punks fault for making me tipsy! Last night when I was talking to Andrew he looked damn good. His face, and the clothes he was wearing. Thats my kind of boy. Andrew's card was the sweetest thing too.

"Happy Birthday Laura!
I hope this year brings ya success, happiness and everything a great girl like you deserves!!

Andrew can put a smile on my face no matter what. He is one of those guys I feel a girl needs to have around her. But I am glad he is growing some balls in one form or another. I'll be observing him very carefully. lol. Andrew has grown on me in a completely surprising way. It feels good.

So birthday shots and all, I probably had like 8 or 9 drinks/shots. Caleigh bought me a Jager-bomb and apparently I cannot do a drop shot whats so ever. My approch is not of the bang on the table and glugg type. I could only glugg so far before I felt the need to breathe. So in my atemps to redeem myself Jess got me another drop shot. I was succusessful and was rather proud of myself for at this point I had already had Andrews shot.

My Cuz's were LATE!!! But apperently they had a busy night on their hands. Three parties to go to, I was second on the list so I was rather happy. They got me like three drinks, a shot and 2 mixed. Man I love my cuz's, they are so easy to relate to and we (meaning sisters) can talk to them in a way that we would never talk to our parents. So I was happy they stopped by.

to be concluded.