Monday, Dec. 17, 2007 10:53 pm : the dark side is in love with my bedroom eyes
Ahhh so I got woken up to demo day at the Houghton residence. Isnt it always nice to get woken up by a sledge hammer breaking tile. lol.

Yay I am happy I got all my x-mas shopping done. FINALLY.

I have decided that my heart of gold got stolen away by the dark side. hehe. I can so relate to darth vader. He is cool in my books. However I am not an evil bastard like he is. lol. My heart just got stolen by his cause. I know how to play the game..quite well. I use my strengths and your (meaning guys) weaknesses to my advantage. I know about your major insecurities, and I am ok with poking fun at them. I know that I need to test your buttons and to see how far I can push things. It is all good.

I am so looking forward to a relationship when it comes around. I have so much to offer and I know that I am special. Who can reject my bedroom eyes, my come hither look is so hot. I so miss kissing a guy. I just want to feel that firery passion again.