11.16.2007 1:00 am : Ti's the season to be naughty
So I got these awesome, amazing bright pink "boots" to wear during the winter. My secret is that they are from a bra store...and are really slippers, but shh. They are hot and I know it. I love them and every one else loves them too. hehe.

I am trying to amuse myself but it is not working. I am really into sudoku right now. I think I am rather good and challenge any one to try and beat me. Playing cards alot lately too. I think am not that bad, but apparently I am a horrible cheat...which I suppose so, I can be rather cheeky when I feel like it.

So I am starting to notice that I am wanting to dress sexier, to attract some attention towards me. But then I realized that I don't need to do that. I am hot, and that doesnt mean that I should show some skin...or enhance my boobs. I mean, I think that a guy would appreciate it more when I dress like a lady and then in bed get all sexy. lol. Give him a show or two. Show him whats been a missing.

I am not content in waiting, but I have realized that is what has come down to it. All I can do is to not try and rush things and eventually a guy will come to me. I just hate waiting......AHHHHHH. But I figured that if you are patient enough, someone amazing will come. So thats what I am a doing. But hey some fun can happen along the way can't it.

You know you want me. There is no denying that one. I am not naive nor stupid to think other wise. I am going to tease the hell out of you when you come around. Ha. Serves you so right.

So I have been having these most amazing dreams...usually they evolve me having sex...the downfall is that it is with people I really rather forget for my sake (I'll spare the names for those involved). Usually then it makes me smile for a second when I wake up, but then I realize that hey, the real thing is so much better. Ahh....I hate this. I have no problem with hooking up with one of my guy friends that I am attracted to, and I know once that new bf comes along, I am going to wait at least a month or two before I am giving up anything. I just really need some output for my sake.