09.13.2007 10:29 pm : Know what I have realized, you didnt have my back and are a huge wimp.
I need that companion, that one person that makes my left hand feel heavier. I need that person that has my back, that isnt a wimp and gives up on me. I miss that interaction. I miss alot of things when your in a relationship with someone. I tired of feeling inadequate, even though I know I am not. I have so much to offer. I don't think I have been overly emotional in a long time. I think what was happening then, was that I was emotional for really stupid things now that I look back on it, but they were valid....underneath though I had some underlying issues, that I didnt dare talk about to any one. Now I dont care if I talk about them. I mean, I was so stressed with school and my feelings of failure, (I hated history class the prof's hated all of us, were out to make us all fail)...in a sense I did fail on myself on one important area.... I was having issues with friends. I suppose I did have to shuffle up people in my life. As hard and unsettling it was, and even if it wasnt my doing. It just wasnt ment to be. From now on I look for people that have all the faith in the world for me and people who