08.31.2007 12:10 am : Rickshaw
So who got a car of her own...laura did!!!
I am really happy. I was saving for a while now for a car. And now I don't have to any more.. I can save for that trip around euroupe and south america/africa and I really want to go to the middle east. I want to travel the world.

My outlook on life has changed quiet a bit. Changed for the better. I am hanging around people that are positive and that I value and trust. The only thing that is missing is that man in my life. Been going on dates and all that, um can I say that either they are a player with the looks or they have a heart of gold but there is that spark missing. I think now that I have shaken off everything I needed to lose. I am ready to go on that one date with a guy, have a connection and start dating...I don't want anything to serious but on the other hand I want to know that me and this guy are exclusive. I HATE THE PLAYER!! lol. I am kinda happy go lucky now. Way more mello.

I think I have to stop going out on dates with people from coop..they just arnt cutting it. lol. Need to try a new stream or pool of guys. SO I have come up with a sure fire plan...yeps and I can't wait for school to put this plan into action. lol. We shall see. I am not to worried about it or care. I am just happy cause of rickshaw my baby car.