08.26.2007 11:36 pm : peanut butter and jelly are still talking but their relationship is strained cause chocolate got in the way.
My sister and I saw Superbad last night..it was rather funny. I so wish I could be one of those cops in the movie, they were awesome. How cool would that be to abuse your power like that. I know in real life that would be extremely unacceptable...but I don't care. Who wouldn't want to get free booze and crash and burn a cop car. But alas...I know that is just a movie and things like that should just stick in a movie.
I think my fav character in the movie was Evan...well he was the best looking out of the bunch...personality wise my fav was the guy that rode around with all the cops. Ahh he made me laugh.
I'll have to put Superbad on my shopping list when it comes out on video. I think it is a must have.

I am think of having a gathering at my house over the long weekend...I want one....it would be a back to school party of some sort. Now the only problem is if the people are going to come. People are always full of excuses as usual. It is typical now. They are so filled with shit. And I am tired of it. I have moved on...I don't need people like that in my life. I deserve the best and they are not cutting it at all.


This may or may not be applicable to you...it is all in how you interpret it. But don't assume...assumptions are never good.

I have noticed that the weather has been different than in past years...been a bit more rainy...can I say the weather is in clue with my thoughts...or whats the word I want to use...heckling.. not at me per say. No the weather is maybe sending the message what the hell did you do...hmm. In the long and short of it...the weather better get it's act together because I get the message at least..for the others not so much. But I get it.

O ya congrats you two...gonna be fathers before the age of 22...may I say no more.

Don't be flake, it's already old.

Stop being emo and dump her ass already

I like you and why thank you for liking my seductive eyes. I know they are hot.

You lost and I won in the end.