07.27.2007 5:27 pm : Kisses on your carpet floor.
You were good. You made me smile lots and I rather enjoyed myself. So I have given you the nickname of brown sugar. You better like it for I am not changing it.

I just hope that I dont take any thing at all to seriously with him. It think he might be a man slut or maybe even addicted to sex...not some much a good thing. I just dont want to be used thats all. I suppose I should read my moms book "the secret". already read some of it at ben's. He is reading it surprisingly enough. I want a real relationship with ben, but I have a feeling that thats probably not going to happen. I want it to, he is awesome. Its just that something about him I suppose. I think I'll try and talk to him when he gets back from Vancouver. Lucky bastard. O well we shall see in due course, for I have to work on my laws of attraction. and well set up his wing man moe with my friend. lol. O I do love being the matchmaker.