05.19.2007 10:52 am : wow you sure showed me some of your nice charater traits.
I am rather angry and pissed off. and a touch of being sad. I just didnt get it, with what happened last night. I didnt know you had it in you, but I am glad you showed more of your character or is it called personality traits. do you like to be what I consider an asshole. I just really have no words. I know you like arguing, and will try your best to win the arguement. But hey I dont care now, I'll agrue. I am not going to be passive with you anymore.

I was really honestly shocked when you said you were going to sell them or give them to your sister. I was taken back.

- I just really dont know what to think of him right now. Its like he can be so wonderful and be a really great person, but now all I can see is a big jerk.

O well, I realized that it is 2 months to the day since he dumped me. Kinda a good thing, now that I think about it. I like being single, it has cleared my head a whole lot. and I mean I like getting some attention from the boys. but ultimatly I realized that I hate JERKS.