05.10.2007 11:27 am : I've got birds in my ears and a devil on my shoulder
I want to turn back time so bad. I loved being with him so much. It was really the best time I have had ever.
I am going to miss his softness and all the sweet kisses. sure the sex too. I dont know why I have all this attachment to him. I am really trying to slowly let go, but I struggle with myself so bad. I am not ready to let go. I always seem to have this thought in my head where he would be like it was a mistake letting you go. I know that will never happen, I just wish that would be a possibilty. When I look at other guys, I see no comparasion. No other guy seems to interest me. They dont stand up to what my heart wants. My heart wants so much and I cant give it anything. Not even a drop of having a crush on someone. I want some guy to come to me and blow me away and caputre my heart again and never let it go. See the amazing person I am and to make me smile and laugh.

everyone is a let down,
it just depends on how far down they can go.