21 August 2005 11:49 pm : untitled
Things are all better, all sorted out. I am happy again.

So I saw "saw" last night. What a wissy movie that was, it was rather quite sad. I knew right from the beginning that it was the guy lying dead in the middle of the floor. It kinda was a dead give away. But ya never put red and blond streaks in your hair when dark brown, ever. I had to re-dy it back and I still see red in my hair. O god.

So I was happy to see Katie tonight, with Anna. It was fun. Kakes and I went to Mother Mary Greene School, it was fun we went to the playground and groofed around on it with our skateboards. Then we just talked about the fun times we had in high school and what we are expecting in college. I really am scared and really excited at the same time. I wanna start that new chapter in my life, but then I am scared, cause you never know what to expect. We have also decided that we have to make up a list of things that we wanna do this year. SO I already have a short list in my head.

I am happy now, that we are going to Hawaii on wednesday. Its going to be nice. I just hate packing, it sucks. I haven't really started and it just takes to much effort for me. But it guess its gonna have to get done.

Katie are you sure about him, cause you did say that he is a nice guy and that he was going to ask me out, but, I donno after what you said about what he did, I am having second thoughts on wether I like him enough to wanna ask him out. He really does sound like a nice guy. But I guess drinking does stuff to people, makes them regret things. And under the comditions that he was under and who he was dealing with, I can sorta give him some slack. But I still am going to look at the college guys first, I am hoping to get one in bio class cause them he could be my bio lab buddy. But I will give it more thought over my trip away. Maybe my mind with change then. BUt I think I have to talk to him again before I leave. I really hope he comes on msn some time. hum