Monday, Jan. 26, 2015 9:58 pm : "Oachkatzlschwoaf"
So me and Austria Skyped yesterday. It was really great seeing him again, hearing his voice. It made me miss him even more. We talked for over 2 hours. I felt bad because it was really late his time and I was still in my pj's eating what he described as poo (really it was oatmeal, nuts, seeds, apples and blueberries). But then again it was his choice. So no sympathy actually. We bantered and caught up. He showed me the flat he shares with his room cute! As we talked we reminisced about Sweden and how I was smart to leave the common room one night, but if I had stayed and the situation was different we would of made a cute couple. I agree. There is a picture of the two of us by my bed that always makes me smile. I forget where and when it was taken in Sweden...but I love it! My hope is that we can maintain what we have going now. We shall see....I really value his friendship.