Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012 1:24 pm : All I wanted to do was to make dinners for when I come home at night.
I must say living on your own is quite nice. It's only been 3 months or so but I am glad I have a place of my own. The only caveat to that is that I'm living in the wrong city. But at least I know where the walk-in clinic is. Nearly, chopped my finger off the other day. Not pretty, in the least bit. Now it is awkward to do anything. I guess that is the downside when you live on your own. I was happy though that I had my car so I could drive myself to the walk-in. Only time will tell now on how bad the scar will be after it heals. O and I still have to make lasagne so I have dinner all ready made for me when I get home at night. At least I am in good company, my dad did the same thing to his thumb a day later, instead of a knife it was a box cutter. At least he had mother to drive him to the clinic.