Friday, Oct. 02, 2009 12:31 am : Destitute of sympathetic companionship.
Closure- Definition: a bringing to an end.

When I look back oddly enough I can only remember the good for the most part. The fun we had in the beginning was one of the happiest times I've had. I think now though looking back on it I realize what an idiot I was when we broke up. I was such a bitch and I am so sorry. I was just devastated and didn't know how to cope. I'll admit it, I really liked you alot. You were that strong guy I always wanted, yet you had that heart of gold.

I still want someone strong. I want someone to be the driver and I can be the passenger navigating. (If that makes any sense). I am just extremely jealous of people who are in relationships. I know I am a great person, where is that guy. I envy those people who have that person beside them because they are not alone. The one thing I am scared of is being alone. It is the most frightening thing in the world and ever so lonely. I am not one for being a destitute of sympathetic companionship.

I want a best friend that I can love and experience my life with. I have so many doubts because with the relationships that have mattered to me have ended on horrible terms (and I don't just mean romantic relationships, friendships as well). I am scared to invest with someone only to written off. I know it is only insecurity. I just want someone to tell me they admire me and that they like me and want to be with me. But I am young still eh and have many years ahead of me to find that person that makes me so happy.