Tuesday, Jul. 07, 2009 12:22 am : This answer is NO, so back off.
Fuck this. I don't care if you think I am on some fucking high horse. If I want to say NO, I can. And the fact that you cant respect my answer pisses me off. I don't have to explain anything to you, just like you don't have to give reasons of your gf letting you hook up with people. I told you no, so go to someone else. Unlike you I have learnt to hold out. You should of taken my answer of no in the first place and then we could be done with it.

I really don't care how fun it will be. I am just so over hooking up with you. Just move the fuck on like I have. Your the only ex I still talk to and I know it has to change. Actually it probably will. I see no point in us talking.

You have no idea how l can let loose. I can have fun and enjoy myself, I just don't find the need to do it with you. I am sorry. But what ever.
I am so done about talking about you. SO DONE.

Anyways, in other news:

1) I found out that the old gym I went to at my mothers work is no more. Apparently the owner got arrested for fraud in Ontario. Needlessly to say I am not surprised one bit. He was a huge asshole and a major dick. But my poor mother has no gym to go to anymore. I wonder what she is going to do at lunch time now. But I am glad she is no longer going to a gym where the owner is in jail. Man he was so shady.

2) What a gong show at work today. What didn't go wrong. It was way to dramatic for me. I get called in early and as soon as I walk in I know it was going to be a fun day. I think the best was when the coffee machine broke down and water went every where. It was like god was sending us back to noah's arc. The machine would not stop pouring out water. I should of say the signs weeks ago. O wells, it was fun.

3) The lake is calling to me. I miss it so bad. I desperately want to go wake-boarding. I want to sun tan and eat fresh raspberries. I am so lucky to have the cabin.