Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2009 2:25 pm : Arrow Head, Arrow Head, Where Art Thou?
It is utterly ridiculous, concerning the lake, my parents are having quite the struggle to put in a dock. I guess some new legislation states that any archeological find/site must be studied, looked upon before any decision can be made in whether or not anything can be disturbed. And apparently there was 2 "arrow heads" found around our cabin, and more than likely neighboring cabins. The issue is however that when these two arrow heads were found, back in the late 70's the exact location is grainy and not very accurate. So there is some dispute and discrepancies. More than likely, though my parents will have to hire a professional archeologist and have them survey our place to see if there is anything else from this "archeological site." Afterwards, depending on how it goes and the information shared, given, the decision is made on where anything can be build. The thing is however, you would think that after the cabin being build and the beach being sifted that if there was any great find of "arrow heads" one would have found more items of that nature. But has there been any more finds??????? NO! That beach has been sifted hardcore and I mean sifted. It is utterly ridiculous. The new law came in place in the New sucks. My parents should have gotten it in earlier. But I guess the boat was more important.

It goes beyond us, if we cannot build a dock after all this is dealt with, the neighboring lot beside us is implicated as well, it is for sale, and at a hefty price tag too ($ 1.6 mil). For the new people who buy it, whoever they are, will more than likely have a very difficult time building a cabin. Many new rules have been adopted. It can be seen by the neighboring houses in the strata beside ours. The houses have to be pushed back from the water, basically to the point where their garages are right up to the side of the road. But not only that to get permission to build will probably be more than likely impossible next-door. My mom said that our cabin would no longer be allowed to be built the way it was under the new rules. Maybe that is why the lot besides ours has been for sale for a year almost, that the new regulations make it very difficult to do anything. Well that and the price they are asking for.