Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2008 1:08 am : Lackadazical
O concerning Canadian politics. What a gong show. At least the Liberal's have finally cracked and are deciding who is to replace Dion. Althought the pickings are few and far between. There really is no one to replace him, well not yet at least. I really do think however that one day in the future that Jason Trudeau will follow in his father's foot steps and come into power.

It is crazy to believe the twists and turns that politics have taken as of late. I do not believe that the coalition has enough steam to over throw the Conservatives in January. We will have to go back to the polls and again the Conservatives will be voted back into power. I will go further to say that the confidence in the Liberals will decline and show in the results no matter who winds up as the new "leader.". The Conservatives if they were smart would vote for a more personable leader, they would pick someone like the Americans picked Obama. Haper is rather dull, lackadazical, boring...