Sunday, Nov. 09, 2008 5:10 pm : The Amsterdam Rino
I am still so livid right now. Last night was to say the least the worst I have ever been treated by a boy... and not to mention a boyfriend at that. Antonius was so beligerant and disrespectful to not only me, but the cab driver, and to Cat his best childhood friend. It was really unbelievable.

I had the worst day at work yesterday. The piano man, Al who has been playing at the cafe for over a year now, died last night. Yesterday Margie's husband found him unconscious in his home. So marige rushed out of the cafe and went to his house and then the hospital. He did not come into the cafe so we got really worried and panicked. I got the news after I got back from having supper with Andrew. I guess Margie called and my sister answered the phone and gave the bad news. So I was feeling pretty down. I thought that by going out I would have some fun and maybe forget what happened.

So I get my mother to drive me downtown to the Amsterdam Rino and met up with half the crew. Antonius came in 30 mins later and we start to have a chat. He completely rattles me, he didnt care that I was feeling down or that the piano player died. He didnt get it and I told him are you stupid? Like dont you get my feelings? Well he went off and was like dont you dare say that to me, if there was one thing you don not call me stupid. At this point I was like WTF, but I realized that he was way past drunk, and drunk topoint were he becomes not such a nice person. So I brush it off, Iwas like I'll deal with it later.

So Antonius, and I meet up with Cat when she got to the bar and we start to dance, we are having fun...well Cat and I are having fun...Antonius wanted to go home. So we decide ok lets head down south. We find a cab, get in and not even 5 mins later Antonius really bashes the cab driver. Cat and I feel so bad. We were like stop making dirty comments. Antionus then flips out and tell me to shut the fuck up and I said right back to him. You do not tell me to shut the fuck up, that is completely disrespectful and mean. So at this point, Cat gets the cabbie to pull over. Antonius gets out of the cab, and we aplogzie to the cab driver and tell him to ignore what happened. Then we go to find Antonius and he is not there. We called him and he found a cab and was going home leaving Cat and I stranded by the elbow casino. We finally hail a cab and decided that we were not paying for the cab. There would be no way. So we got down south, Antonius was not there yet so we paid the cabbie and get into the house. O we were so mad. So mad. O and he came in the house with a smile on his face. Ya. He has no clue what really happened (I mean we filled him in today some what).

So we are going to have a nice little chat later on this week. I just need to cool down a bit. Relax and have fun with the sistas!