Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 12:01 am : Your special and cute! and I just want to make out with you.
So I saw my babes tonight! Only after I had to be at the uofc for my IDST class. And only after I hit my head HARD on this gate on the 12th floor of the library. It totally frazzled me. Antonius was kind though. Asking o what happened, are you alright.

We went for a walk too! Around the ridge, it was nice, we kissed and kissed and looked at the beautiful city at night. I told him he was special and cute.

So I found out that sod day (you can read about it about 10 entries back) was the day that Antonius decided to pull the trigger. Now if one remebers the very next entry is about me having lunch with him and driving him to the airport. Well this was the next day and on this day he set himself the grand goal of getting my number by noon. His time 11:58. Close one eh!

SO my mother keeps on feeding him. Today it was a chicken wrap, yogart and a muffin. I made a bet with him. That tomorrow he will get food from my mother. I told him that he has seriously under estimated my mother and will get food from her tomorrow.