Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2008 8:05 pm : 911 what's your emergency?
So the past weekend proved to be very entertaining and full of surprises, both good and bad. Went and saw Sweeny Todd with Sarah and Shanna. Crazy movie. But hey I laughed for half the cast from harry potter was in it. WEll all the evil characters atleast. Afterwards I went over to Randy and Val's. I love them so much. They are the craziest couple I know. I mean who plays cranium semi-intoxicated at 1 in the morning. It was fun and I would like to do that again. Work on Saturday was work. But afterwards Caleigh and Jessica came over and watched liked the best movie ever. The revenge of the nerds. It was rather scary however when I noticed that the main character Gilbert looked rather like Kyle...what makes this worse is that in the movie Gilbert is a computer is Kyle...The similarities are rather interesting. Later on the night I got woken up by tweedle dumb and turd burglar for they were running up and down the stairs like mad amazon women. I went and spoke my mind, with a Shut up, until I heard "a fire truck at the neighbours." Apparently it woke christine up and she ran and got sarah. I was like o great, of course there has to be a fire at a neighbours house when the folks are gone. But thank the lord it wasnt a fire. A EMS truck came. Which then scared the crap out of me. I hate ambulances. So not a good feeling. But I so did not get a good sleep that night and work the next day was hell. O and when I got back home mother dear scared the crap out of me....she looked like she got in a bar fight, with two black eyes and a smashed forehead. The funny thing is how she did it. Tripped over dad's shoes and flew into the coffee table where she flipped it over and crashing into the fireplace. lol one has to laugh....sorry mother dear. But it is still rather funny. She still has the burises. They have now turned a funny dark purple/poo brown colour. sigh. Mom is a gooofy one.