11.19.2007 11:36 pm : BAM-999 - thanks for almost KILLING ME!!!!!!!!
AHHH so I saw the hottest guy at the bus stop today when I drove by going to school this morning. MMM. We made eye contact. Hopefully it wasnt to creepy. I dont think so, I gave him a little smile and shot my seductive eye look at him. hehe. It made my day.

O so I had to run today, I was feeling way to fat. I did really good up until I got the worst cramps ever. God. I had to stop...all I wanted to do was take a bubble bath. I really don't think I felt this bad since last november. I remeber I had a dentist appointment and I had to miss it cause I felt so bad. O wells. Everything is better now.

O and I am so happy with my first theology essay, I really thought I failed it when I got it back, there were so many corrections... But I didnt. In fact I did really good A- yay.