08.05.2007 1:43 am : Smitting over you.
So I had a rather good day. Made tons of money!!!!!!!!!! Got way to much free ice cream...and good quality ice cream at that. I woke up really happy today and it stuck with me the whole day.

I my glad my little sis is back, she will be good company for me this week until we go up to the CABIN!!!!!!! I so cannot wait for that. Hot days, water skiing...we finally got a new ski, can't wait to try it out.

SO tomorrow I will meet up with kakes...this is the first time we have talked in a while. And I think it is due time. I dont really want to talk about why we faught, I just want to say sorry and hug and forget about it. Why bring up things from the past right. I am living in the present and those issues died long ago.

O so I went over to Val's place yesterday night and I got a pic of ben and I when we were over there during stamped. It is a rather good picture. Me smiling and him with a silly face. When ever my mind wanders, I usually think of him, the other occations its about what new clothes I want. But When I think of him I smile, lots and I feel fuzzy warm on the inside. I think you can say I am smitting.