06.27.2007 8:02 pm : 30 seconds you can get to me.
The spot light shines upon me.

I was so stupid. Maybe I am still stupid now. Well honey you should know that I am trying my best. My green eyes, are dying to get your attention.

At least I'll be half way distracted this weekend...should be some what fun, I mean out shining any ones girlfriend is. ha. I am so bitter.

At least stampede is right around the corner. Gin and tonic any one? Maybe a little gathering at my house.

I so need to find myself a more permanent guy. I mean whats a girl to do when all she wants is a little love.

Can I honestly say that I HATE my life right now. That when stampede rolls around I am going to drink every night. Maybe then it will make me feel half way better.

O and a note to the person who keeps on phoning me 10 times in a row at all hours of the night, FUCK OFF! I DONT KNOW YOU AND YOU ARE RATHER ANNOYING.