06.13.2007 9:08 pm : Laura is eatting animal crackers in the back room
So do I have to keep on reminding myself that I am a catch? That I have substance, a spark about me thats awsome. Every morning I look in the mirror and reaffirm the same positive message.

I am glad that my spring course is over on monday. Then I can devise a running/weight something or other training programme. lol. I just need to lose like 5 or 10ish pounds. Its going to be awsome. People keep on telling me that I am tiny. I mean over the past year I did lose like 16 pounds. I suppose that is good in its self.

I am just glad that I have been able to laugh alot lately. Smile to. I have just been down lately, with no one to cheer me up. I need a cheer buddy. I just need to make new friends since I lost the important ones that mattered to me. I am trying to devise a plan that will make me some new friends. I have no problem in being the center of attention at gatherings. I love being the center of attention. It makes me feel rather good.