05.30.2007 12:51 pm : blahh.
So I guess I am out of a FWB buddy. I suppose thats alright. Either I'll find a new one or wait alittle and see what the summer winds blow to me. I am suppose to have 2 cute guys come my way in June. So I suppose thats something to look forward to.

In other news I am "training" to be able to run from my cabin to the camp ground 2 k's away...and well hopefully back with out to much pain and suffering. So I am trying to slowly run farther each day. Worked yesterday. So I hope that I can achive this goal. Running is a great way to lose weight I think. And well I need to be in better shape was well. I only hope that I dont die while running up there. Stupid construction. I hate the development that is going up only a k away. Its going to make the area so much more busy. o well I suppose.