04.23.2007 10:07 pm : At least I'll always be remembered for "amazing sex"
well at least I know that I will always be remembered for "amazing sex." I suppose that is something to smile and be proud about..not.

I talked to andrew on the weekend and well I smiled. I think that was good considering I havent smiled in a month as a result of talking to a guy. I see a lot in him that I like. I am surprized that girls have rejected him. He is a good catch. He is so not one of those boys I dispize. Which seem to be most of them. I hope we go out again sometime soon. He is so relateable. I can talk to him so easy.

I still wish I had that one person to talk to that understands me. But I really dont have any one. Thats one of the reasons why I feel so alone.

on that note. the next boyfriend that I have I have decided that I am not putting my heart on the line so fast. I hope that I will go slow. but knowing me when I find the person with most of the qualites I look for and a heart of gold I fall fast. Thats probably my down fall. Well hopefully not for the next guy. At least I know that the next guy will be getting good sex when I finally give it to him. ha!