Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006 10:33 am : I just can't deal,
I wish kakes was back home so bad. I miss her so much and I so need to talk to her. She is one out of 2 people I can talk to whole heartedly. I need this girl chat so badly.

I hate my parents right now. They are down my back with everything. School, me qutting Coop, me applying at Friends, Tyler. Like would the two of you just leave me alone. I have enough to deal with and I dont need another thing added to my list. Like when I get home from Coop at 10:30 do you honetly think I want to sit down and do homework. No I want to relax. I need that vegging out time.

I just can't handle things right now. I have to sort all of this out. I donno. Just I think karma hates me right now. Like I am I going through some test. Or a huge practial joke. If I am it is very twisted.

I just need to talk to kakes about all of this. And I also need to talk to kakes about what happened last night with Tyler. And that is a whole other story that I will explain for later. For I have to go to Friends and talk to the owner. And then I hsve to go to lovely coop. I hate my life right now. I just cant deal.