Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2006 11:52 am : positivly wonderful
So I told Tyler about this place. That I have a blog. He finally asked to see it. I was so reluctant to show him. I mean it is personal and about me. I donno. But I showed him anyways and I scared him. Not the thing I wanted to do at all. That is why I never really tell anybody about this. For, people will read it and then think badly of it. They will think well there is one crazy gal. I guess all of that talk of me wanting to go to the doctor freaked him about a bit. He said that it didnt scare him off, but more so he is concerned for me. I guess that is good, I mean you care for the people you love. I just have to show to him that I really am doing wonderful. I think like you said yourself Tyler, I have a flair for the dramtic. So all this doctor stuff I probably blew it out of proprtion 10 fold.

He really is the perfect person for me. We balence each other out quiet well. He is the first person who is able to handle me and my crazyness. lol. I guess you could call that a good thing. Gosh I love that boy's personality. It is so positivly wonderful.