Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 1:28 pm : Your my angel, my sunshine, and I am your chicken shit.
Life is good.
Very good.
I met this guy who is the most positivly perfect person on earth. You know when you meet a person and you know in your heart that he or she is the one. Ya thats how I feel. It's an amazing feeling. Like sunshine falling down on your face and you feel the warmth, like it will never go away. I feel so warm around him. I love his personality, it is the best. When I think abot him it makes me smile lots. I blush. All I can think of is him calling me chicken shit and tickiling me so that i will say my cute little, "no, no, no, stop" giggle. What a lovely little nickname that is. His eyes are amazing too. and ofcousre his amazing soccer body. But thats not even very important at all. What counts is whats on the inside, and he has all that. o well and I guess here is another vanity thing I like about him.....he smells so good. lol.

I love that fact that he has a cabin and water skis and tubes and does all that beach and lake stuff. I was like yes. We can show off our cabins to each other, when we get time off from stuff. He can laugh at my suck ass attempt to one ski it. lol with my butt in the air. I really like that we can be lake buddies. hmmmmm.

O ya I guess I should tell you the story of how I met my dream guy. It's very simple and perfect.

I have secretly been liking this guy for 2 months now. Admiring him from a far. My cover into him not knowing I like him is to hate his guts and think up ways to mess up his car with the lovely christine from work. Lol. But that can only go so far I guess.

I guess it all started when I got invited to play drinking games next door with the neighbour and his friends. That night well.... just shhh. But anyways the next day the neighbour boy was like your cooking me dinner tonight, I was like "what"?!?!?!. He was like ya. So I did, it was great, made a damn good dinner that night at like 11. So then I was like you know what you know what there boy you can cook me dinner on tuesday.

Tuesday was the night where it got all interesting. So it's past nine at night and I was hesitent to come over so I didnt next thing you know the neigbour boy is over and was like come over silly. So I did. He made the most amazing dinner, steak and I brought over the potato salad. He gave me wine and I was like awww, how cute. and then we had beer. Ya I will say it I was a little drunk. But only just a little. So we are cleaning up the dishes, when we erupt into this massive water fight in his poor moms kitchen. Like massive, we both are soked my dress is practily see through, am laughing my head off. There are 28 towels on the floor. O I had so much fun. That was the best water fight ever. So we start to dry his towels in his basement. We have a full load going so we started to chase or tickel each other. We end up in his room on his bed. We stop tickeling and just lay beside each other and then I moved my head closer to his and then he kisses me. I kiss back. Tyler was like laura don't leave me after tonight, be with me. Something along those lines. I found out later that he to has had a crush on me. We both said to each other we were afraid of rejection from each other, so thats why we didnt ask each other sooner. I guess now we know we both liked each other more than a month ago. hmmmm really its all good.

I was thinking to myself all week, what the hell our we going to tell our parents. Or I guess how we are going to tell them. Tyler's parents already know, and his mom was like, are you sure tyler, this is a good idea. We dont care, what our parents think. I know that my parents adore him, think he is a great guy. And I know Tyler's parents like me, they just think I am a bit shy, which I am. God, I dont think they will ever leave us both home alone at the same time ever, ever again. His parents came back on saturday. Lol, we were out on our first offical date then, according to tyler's observations. We went to see World Trade Center, what a sad movie. But after we got food. It was good.

how am I going to break it to my parents. I donno, I am leaving tomorrow to meet up with them, so I have to get a ride to the airport. My Grandparents can't now because they wont be back on time. So I am getting Tyler. With that said I know my parents will ask, "so laura who drove you to the airport?" o god I can see it now. And I guess then I will have to say what the new development is in my life. So I'll say to them, Tyler did. and there is more to that cause we are dating now, we went out to see a movie and dinner. He gave me roses and I gave him some sweetpeas from our garden. O god I wonder what the will say. My sisters are going to have a laughing attack and tease me for the rest of the vacation. But I know all that doesnt matter. Cause gosh me and tyler are really perfect for each other. lol,