08 December 2005 2:46 pm : I hate the cold.
Its too cold...
My one hand is not liking this...
I wanna get winter over and done with....Christmas...or Happy holidays for that matter too.
I hate the cold...it is beautiful to look at the snow on everything and the way the sun shines on the snow...

that reminds me....my parents are dragging us kids to vernon....lol they said there are going to be 15 year old boys working on the cabin...and at that point I nearly spat out my juice all over the floor, they also said they are of the very religious kind, that only go to school up to a certain point, and these boys are done their schooling now.....and that made me think, those boys must think we are some rich stuck up snobs who are building this huge huge cabin. lol but hey i think it would be very cool to meet one my age...very cool. Cause i do have to admit that most of those boys can be HOT.

But ya back to bitching about how I hate the cold....I hate it.....my toes nearly froze off while waiting for a frickken bus for 40 mins, I thought I would of had to cut them off when i got home.....But ya just thinking of the cold, is making me cold now.