23 November 2005 12:01 pm : no name
Ahhhh Yes I am happy to say that I still am the grand master of car racing games. I knew I still had it in me. It is sad cause I haven't played in a long while....and I forgot that my hands hurt like hell afterwords cause my grip on the controller is to hard.

So I saw the pictures from the cabin, man o man, is the timbers damn big and tall. From just looking at the frame of the cabin I can tell it is going to be huge. It totally out does all the cabins around us. Espically the one beside us....it's higher by like 3 meters....or like a story tall. But ya I can't wait til the neighboors come up and see our cabin....I can't wait til the boys come up and are like holy shit...ahhh to see their faces this summer. Ha ha boys. But then that means that we don't get a new boat for a while...damn why are they so expensive....I want a wakeboard one, but those cost like $70,000 for a good one. Thats more expensive than our van and truck together. lol. Man I am lucky...even to be able to have a place to go. But many I love it up there, I love just being in the water...to water ski and tube. I remember last summer up there with matt and his friend out tubing....when I went with christine on matts boat and we doubled tubed. And my wonderful wipe out. I still can't believe I am ok from that. Cause I sure got some air and then how make back was arched funny...and how I landed in the water....those where the good times. The wonderful times.

ahhh way is it so damn cold in this school...I am freezing...don't they have any heaters going.....or maybe its just me...but everyone says that I am so warm, my sisters like to call it...a toaster oven. That I am one. and I must say thatis true. but ya this entery is why to long now... I must go.