26 October 2005 1:00 pm : yearbook
yes, so my count on how many people signed my year book has come to a grand total of 3!!!

Lol...this year book has to be a joke, right? I mean getting this thing makes it so final, so over with and done with, so...gosh now I have that song from the sound of music stuck in my head, you know the one.."so long, farwell,....."

Walking down those hallways made me think of so many memories that have happened there. I think high school will have a very special place in my heart.

Wait....Wait a minuet, yes, my grand total of people who have signed my year book has come to a new grand total of 4.

Wow I really need to send my yearbook along with katie to her halloween party, to get every one to sign it. Thank god I am not going, I don't want to be verbally or pysically harassed again, not ever, by her stupid friend of hers.

But ya halloween, pretty excited about it, can't wait to get another stupied hoilday out of the way, but then next is christmas, and boy do I ever dislike that one.

but ya now I can play with some chemicals in bio class now. yeepye