20 September 2005 7:54 pm : Can't stop crying.
I can't stop crying...
I was on the c-train coming home from school and downtown this homeless lady sat beside me and verbally abused and harassed me. She said I was gonna get raped at all of these hotels. She was like thats were you gonna end up. I was so scared...I wanted to cry right on the bus. I should have just got up and left, I don't know why I didn't do that. I am so scared to get back on there. I wanna guy friend to travel with me on the train...I'd feel much safer. Why in the hell did this happen to me. I wanna now write a letter to the Calagry Transit people and tell them they gotta watch the c-train downtown, so that creeps like that never can get on and do that to people. I just I donno, I just never wanna go on the c-train alone again....I wanna talk to katie, any one of my friends.