10 September 2005 8:06 pm : The jet set life is killing me
I am so under the weather and yesterday night didn't help. The jet leg is killing me and am so tired, I spent most of the day sleeping, trying to wear off the dam headache I had all day. But I must say yesterday was rather fun. I went to my one class in the morning and found out the my Anna Banana was in it. I was so happy, I at least have some one in one of my classes at college. The teacher is kinda of off though, he just rambles and gets way off topic. He also seems to get out of breath alot to which I don't qutie get. But he seems really nice and thats what counts. Its also nice that I have only like 20 other kids in my class, so its small. The only bad thing I do not like at all, is that the girls out number the guys at school like 15:5. I don't want 5 guys in my classes, it sucks, who am I gonna look at now. But there is this hottie with dread locks who sat beside me in my one class yesterday, I liked that. But ya after that I went home and like an hour later my Katie kakes and matt came to pick me up. My god I love katie, she is the best I really don't know what I would do with out her. But I now owe her 98 more hugs. We got really silly at her house. We found some wigs from halloween am guessing and put them on, she had blue and I had purple it looked like we had mullets. When joey finally came to katies after we waited for like ever he walked down to the basement and was like what the hell is going on here. We had our crazy wigs on and the basement was a mess cause kakes and I got bored waiting so we stared to color and we played with the monster mash sticks. Katie and I pretended they where drum sticks. It was fun. But I stayed over there late, I don't think I should have....Cause I am worried that I will be really tired for school next week. I don't think am good with time changes that jump ahead like 4 hours.