05 August 2005 4:26 pm : College here I come!
I really am starting to hate the heat. I can't take it if am not by the water,or in the water. The water is my favorite place to be. Not at home, not at the mall, not at the park, or any other place you can think of. The water is my "drug," it makes me completely relaxed and calm, it also makes me forget about anything and everything, the good and the bad.

So I went to St.Mary's University Collage today to get all my courses lind up. My friday's and monday's are pretty sweet, I only go in for one class and it's in the morning and only like an hour, so I can get all my homework done and still have time to party and to all of that fun stuff. The only thing that I don't like is that my tuesday's, wednesday's and thursday's, they are full days and I have to go in at like 9 and they end at like 5:15. I guess thats all right, my mom can pick me up after her work and drive me home. I can't believe am taking a smart Bio class. To get in you needed Bio and Chem from high school, so I guess all the pain and hell I went through in those classes payed off in the long run. I donno am pretty happy to be starting a new chapter of my life, and I am really glad that I'll be meeting and making some new friends, cause I really do need them. The people were am going to be going for collage seem like the nicest people on earth, so I know it won't be scary or anything like that.
Yeepe for me, collage here I come.