03 August 2005 1:17 am : I am not 10 years old any more
Guess what my mom said to me today...
Laura zip up your sweater.
And am thinking no ****** way
Then my mom says to me there could be bad guys out there, ready to hurt you.
And then am thinking to myself, are you kidding me, no one is going to pull me into some van and rape me or try and steal me away from here. Like come on its edgemont, nothing happens here. Like 3 weeks ago my 2 best friends and I walked to Mac's at like 12 at night, nothing happened to us then. Like what the hell mom. She wants me to read this stupid book called "the gift of fear" and am like now way in hell. The only thing that that book is giving my mom is paranoia. That god damm book is scaring my mom into thinking that the whole world is out to get her little daughters. My mom should think that by now I have some common sense and some morals and values, and know what bad situations are. Like I know what I can and can't get myself into, am not 2 any more mom. I can't wait til the day I turn 18 cause then she has no more parental control on me and I can walk out of the house at any given hour of the day or night. Sorry mom but you have to let go of your not so little girl anymore....you don't want to fall into the foot steps of the staker moms, that they had on Oprah the other day. Cause if that is whats going to happen, you are out of my life in a heart beat.