2005-07-06 4:28 p.m. : like 20 of them
dear you.
i think i've got it all figured out.
the world that is.
but ask me tomorrow just to make sure.
there's still that lingering doubt on my mind.

So ya I have discovered how many people I know that have their birthday's this month... I swear theres like 20 of them. Just celebrated my parents, and then there's my cuz, then Kakes of course. Can't wait til friday, no wait this whole weekend..its going to be a blast. Kakes I can't believe that you are almost 18 now, thats like 2 days way. Lucky ducky...now you can buy the good stuff, lol. Just don't go crazy this time and get yourself drunk. But hey I know you won't, will you.

I feel so yucky fom today...
My hair.
My clothes.
My nextdoor neighboor invited me to come with her and her babysitter to riley park with her twins and her older son and his friend. Boy was going a mistake. There were kids everywhere, hords of them just coming and going. I saw not one kid my age, not one. I never wanna go there ever again like that. And it was so dam hot and boring, next time am bring a freezbie and the crow-k set. O ya and some water.
Nick phone me up one day and we can play that round of crow-k like you promised.