2005-07-02 1:19a.m. : chapter one
I am just a kid and my life is a nightmare........

I can't get away from the haunting music, the melodic stuff...its like it consumed me, I can't escape listening to it. Especally at night, when its pitch black in my room and am trying to get to sleep.

Yay, am happy I found my ring that I have been missing since 2 weeks ago to the day. I thought I had losted it and when I went to take a nap today I found it. Now it is safely on my finger. thank god.

hmmm am getting really restless, like up to the point where I think am going to explode with, whats the word.... no I can't explain it. Am just really ants-e. Thats all.

This Canada Day sucked, I mean what the hell is there to do, go see the fireworks and eat a cake with the Canadian flag... no I don't think so. This is not a holiday I will be celebrating in the future or ever for that matter. OOOOOOoooOOOOOooOOo every one it's Canada Day we have to celebrate, we have to be proud of what our country has done for us.....how lucky we are in living in Canada, consider yourself lucky people. Ya what ever.

Holy crap am I the biggest cynical person on the face of this earth. What do I have against the world and its people. I should be happy of what the earth gives me....... the people, the beauty.

crap am tired, am leaving. nites.