2005-06-28 11:44 a.m. : feeling really incomplete today
I feel really incomplete today, like there's a piece of me missing. And I don't like it on bit. I have my theroies on what the cause is. But I just really wanna fix this incompleteness and move on. Dewelling on things to long is very bad.

So yes am finally finished my last f-ing exam. What a piece of cake that was, bit of a joke actually. But now the whole summer is in front of me. O the stuff that is going to go down this summer what fun, what fun it is going to be.
Wow I just realized that I am probably never going to set foot into that school ever again, I am never going to walk those halls, sit in those classrooms ever again. F, why didn't I live it up? Why did I never take full advantage of high school, have the time of my life there? I wasted 2 out of the 3 years there, why did I do that. I really wish I could do high school over again, but then I don't. I am so glad that it is finally over. I have my future to look forward to.

hmmmmmmmm......... I really can't do this any more......
hhhhmmmmmmmmmm.........am off to get some food in my tummy.