2005-02-19 5:35 p.m. : i wanna live the darker side of life
some one take me some where, some where i have'nt been before. take me out for an adventure. i wanna feel the extacy in my body, like going 150km down some back highway. i wanna live the darker side of life, one where i can do anything, be anything, have nothing holding me back, where no one judges me.

maybe katie you can do that with me, go on some road trip(maybe with dev and matt), live on the dark side for a week in the summer. o we could go in the mountains, it would be so much fun! Ya! we gotta do that. you would like that, i know you would. O and katie, you and i ARE getting a tatoo when i turn 18. i want one on my foot first, then maybe one on the back of my neck, god i want so many, like 5. i can't wait to see my parents faces when i do get one,they'd kill me, kill me. But it has to be our dirty little secret, for now. SSSShhhhhhhhh......shhhhh don't tell anyone, it has to be a secret.

I hate it when one has to hide what one's true feelings are. that one has to confrom with society on the outside with what one is thinking/feeling and hide what one really has to say/feel on the inside. i don't wanna judge other people on the sake of me being judged back. i don't want people judging me on who i wanna be or presive to be.

Am i all wrong thinking that? am i just a bit mental with every thing that i said. is all of this really false? god i wish i can see the "real", the "true" world.

Katie i wish i was there when u told dev and matt about me eatting soup for like 4 people in a cake mix bowl. it would of been really funny to see their faces.